Welcome to the LGC community site
This is a sister site to the LGC Wiki and is designed to enable all those interested in exploring and sharing ideas to collaborate online as we work towards a definition of learnergeneratedcontexts and what this might mean for learners and learning.
Membership Ice-Breaker - Bookspace
In a recent email, Fred posed the following question to existing members of the LGC group under the banner "Everything is Ludic":
By the way, anyone read Magister Ludi by Herman Hesse? He is in "the leaves on the ground, go round and round" space...
This led to an interesting discussion about books we feel might have relevance to learner generated contexts and to the idea that a good way to kick-start the community site would be to encourage members to submit a 50 word synopsis of any book they feel has a particular relevance for learner generated contexts. The synopsis should identify the book, its context and the LGC-ness of its content. Other members are invited to comment on the books submitted and to give their own perspectives on the LGC-ness of the book.
Current Discussions
What does Learner Generated Contexts mean to you?
How can we sum up LGC in 500 words? Since you first heard of LGC, what thngs have struck you as interesting, or as being of particular note?
When can learners be trusted to run their own LGC?
This is a new discussion page responding to the above question and the attitudes behind such questions.
Join the community
We would be delighted if you would like to participate in the community. If you are interested, please contact us for further details on how to join.
We'd like to think of the community as a room in which you grab a chair and find like-minded people to discuss things with. Of course, we expect that most of the things we discuss will center around the idea of learner generated contexts and our multiple and various perspectives on these. What they might look like. Where they can be found? How we can recognise them, etc.
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